The birth of a newborn baby is a special moment for couples. As a parent, this moment is welcoming and responsibility for the couples to begin arranging about their new born’s well-being, joy, and future. Vastu Shastra is the ongoing study of Vedic since ancient times. This old vedic assists with bringing positive vitality, good karma, and fortune at your home. To arrange a room according to vastu tips for new born’s room you must know about everything. Even your home as per Vastu Shastra you should be very much aware of the headings.
Below Mention 5 Vastu Tips For New Born’s Room
1. Clean Room
Ensure your child’s room is completely clean and comfortable. This will keep your baby’s well being good. But a clean room regulates good positive vibes for your child. The dirty room gives a negative vibe. Consequently, ensure you tidy up the room conveniently and completely.
2. Choose The Right Colours
There are a few angles to consider while choosing a newborn baby room colours. According to Vastu tips for new born red, yellow and orange shades are not suitable in the northeast corner of the house. These colours will affect your child’s well-being. You can even place plant-like tulsi on the north-east side of the nearer space for your baby’s good health.

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3. Mirror at Distance

4. Bed Placement

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5. Air in Room

According to vastu tips for new born’s room, west direction of your home is perfect. But if your baby’s room direction is in another direction, make some changes to make a homecoming for your baby. Follow these tips for new born and welcome homecoming with a healthy environment.